Atom was originally written for ROS1 and doesn't support ROS2 out-of-the-box. But the good news is it can be used within a container. You can easily pass your ROS2 bag to Atom, it’ll be seamlessly converted to ROS1 bag.

Prepare shared directory

All the code, datasets and rosbags will be stored in the shared directory i.e. the directory you can access from both host (your computer) and the container. In this tutorial, we place a shared directory in your computer's home folder, but you are free to place it anywhere.

mkdir -p ~/noetic_shared_dir/calib_ws/src && mkdir -p ~/noetic_shared_dir/datasets && mkdir -p ~/noetic_shared_dir/bagfiles

Clone required packages

We need clone several packages into the workspace source folder:

  • Atom calibration package
  • rosbags packages. Required to perform a ROS2-to-ROS1 bag conversion
cd ~/noetic_shared_dir/calib_ws/src && git clone && git clone

Prepare Docker container

Build Docker Image

docker build --tag=ros:noetic ~/noetic_shared_dir/calib_ws/src/atom/dockerfiles/noetic

Start docker container

xhost + && docker container run --rm --privileged -it --network=host --ipc=host \
--volume=/dev:/dev --volume=$HOME/noetic_shared_dir:/home/ros1/ \
--volume=/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" -u 1000 \
--name noetic -w /home/ros1 ros:noetic

Build Atom and dependencies

After you have container running, it is time to build the calibration software.

First, you need to build rosbags package as it is not a catkin package. Go to rosbag folder and run:

python3 -m pip install .

To install the rest of the packages go to the calib_ws directory and run:


That will build every package in the workspace.

Do not forget to source your calibration workspace at the end:

source devel/setup.bash


Mostly, the calibration process for ROS2 bag shares steps with ROS1 calibration.

The only difference comes from the fact that we are unable to build ROS2 robot description packages in ROS1 container, so we need to pass robot model file as an absolute path.

  1. Keep in mind while preparing your calibration config file that description_file should be an absolute path to your robot model, not a relative one.

  2. Also pass path to the robot description file (description_file:=<path_to_robot_model>) alognside with other arguments in Collect Data step.


Thanks to Coalescent Mobile Robotics for the contribution.